Sunday, November 23, 2008

Kings at Broadway Stages

In between working on "No Love in the City", I got work on KINGS, again. I was rather hesitant to accept the work, since my last experience on this show was horrible over in the Brooklyn Navy Yards. Though this time it was to be a little better as it was an indoor event.

I did an overnight over at the Public Library in Manhattan that Thursday night. This is just an example of what a BIG budget this show really is. To be able to get that space must have been mint. Right after we wrapped, I had to go back to "No Love in the City". So I pulled a 38 hours on set back to back with my friend Laura.

The only reason we did that was that we needed to accept this in order to get the guarantee of work for two days the following week. What a BIG week it turned out to be with the election and seeing History revealed with Barrack Obama becoming the first Black President of the United States.

That was definitely hope and something to look forward to. What was not something to look forward to was the location of Broadway stages which was in the middle of nowhere by the rail yards way past McGuiness Boulevard in the Greenpoint section of Brooklyn. Luckily our call time wasn't for 6am. Still trekking all the way there was a hike.

Taking all this work is basically the only thing keeping me alive these days. When I'm at home I have nothing going on and I get bored and depressed staring at the same four walls wondering if I will ever have success or even get a SAG waiver. The quest for the almighty Sag waiver seems more like it will never happen. Some people just get the Sag waiver for waking up in the morning. I struggle through so many different elements and I am really trying, yet nothing ever seems to happen. Still I prefer to be working as it is a paycheck, as pathetic as non-union wages are.

Back to the set of Kings at the Broadway Stages and the tale of the PIG! Ah yes the 500-pound boar that was brought to the Brooklyn to be a star. The scene was in this amazing courtroom that was built for this show. Magnificent layout, including a panoramic poster of Columbus Circle in the daytime during the season of either early Spring or Summer being the fact the trees in the picture were in full green blossom.

The King Silas had his enormous desk in the front as a real judge would and he was ready to hear the cases with his Chancellor by his side. In the room there were several groups waiting to have the judge hear their case. Some of the groups were these "Goth Kids", and another was a church group.

The one case that involved the pig was a case between two farmers in the land. It was a dispute where one of the farmers blamed his neighbors pig from destroying his fence on his property. So at this time King Silas looks up to the main doors and looks up in anticipation of this pig that was supposed to come through the doors. NO sign of the pic. Nothing.

This is after of course we got the "Pig Speech" not to look at the pig, touch the pig, and just to completely ignore the boar upon his entrance. Well as it turned out, that wasn't too difficult b/c the pig got stage fright and never made it to set. They even had a "pig shrink" on set being that it was a SAG pig. Since the pig didn't fulfill his contract, the next day we had a plethora of bacon and no one saw the pig again. Makes you wonder.


No Love in the City Russian Tour bus

(Thursday October 9, 2008-November 9th 2008)

The set of "No Love in the City", a Russian movie about three young Russian guys that come to New York to have a great time with Ladies and indulge in the Wild Party lifestyle. An Angel comes down from the heavens and makes them all impotent until they realize their true loves and stop cavorting around in debauchery.This concept sounds stupid, though I have to tell you that working on this movie was by far one of the most pleasant experiences I have had in a very long time.

What made this by far the best set for this entire year were the fun experiences shared with friends and just the wonderful attitude of the cast and crew that made it memorable in a good way. I also must mention that we got paid cash on set and we had wonderful international food which I dined on for days because I took some leftovers home in Tupperware which I shared with my friend and roommate.

I worked on this set six times. From the club scene to the restaurant scene to the "get-away" Russian tour bus. Being a Russian tourist was by far the best scene and most enjoyable times on this set and perhaps all year.

Playing the part as Russian tourists we were cast to sit on top of this Double-Decker tour bus. The three young Russian guys were to be out "tour guides" taking us on a wild journey racing wildly through Manhattan down Canal Street to the cobblestone streets of Brooklyn .

The stunt driver and bus driver in the scene drove that bus wildly speeding across the Manhattan Bridge to the Promenade in Brooklyn, where the bus gets stopped and the Russians get arrested by the (fake) police. All along our tour guides are freaking out as their is a helicopter overhead trailing the bus all the way from Manhattan to the other side of the bridge.

Never have I had such an adventure on a film shoot as I did on this one. We ALL shared SO many laughs and felt free and alive. Especially when we were on the double Decker bus top level and "touched" sign posts and leaves of trees as we drove by. It became like a challenge and a silly game, though it was fun, really was.

This was one of the few sets that I really was sad to see come to an end.
